Although rice is the staple food for Koreans, they also use other grains. They often combine four other grainswith glutinous and regular rice (most commonly glutinous sorghum, glutinous millet, dried black beans, and driedsweet beans). Each are cleaned and soaked separately then cooked until the grains have expanded and are well done.The various grains used differ between areas. Koreans tended to use those grains that they planned to plant in thecoming year. In the past, Ogokpap was also a substitute of Yakshik for commoners who could notafford to have the ingredients like jujubes, chestnuts, and pine nuts for Yakshik on the first full moonday. Koreans also believe that Ogokpap must be shared by at least 3 different families to bring good luckin the coming year.
Taeborum (the first full moon)The first full moon falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month, signaling the beginning of the agriculturalcycle. Koreans rise early, eat nuts (in the belief that hard foods strengthen the teeth), and drink a cup ofcold wine called kwibalki sul ('ear-sharpening wine' is thought to clear the ears for good news). Aspecial 'five-grain rice' is eaten on this day. Various combinations of millet, glutinous rice, beans and sorghumare eaten with greens prepared from dried vegetables collected the previous autumn. Farmers believe that this mealwill ward off heat during the coming summer months.
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